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NEC Agriculture ICT Solution "CropScope"

NEC BigData solution supporting the food agriculture value chain

Our Vision

NEC’s agriculture ICT solutions pioneer innovations in the food and agriculture value chain.
This solutions support optimization of input along with maximization of production by leveraging Big Data, IoT and cloud technologies. Also, NEC creates new innovative farming which was hard to realize by conventional farming methodology.

figure: Optimize the food and agriculture value chainNEC's agriculture ICT solutions support the food and agriculture players

NEC’s agriculture ICT solution

The solution creates virtual fields based on weather, soil and vegetation data obtained from sensors, satellites and drones, as well as farming activity data, such as irrigation and fertilizer use. The solution then creates growth simulations for these virtual fields, providing customized insights for farming the land, predicting future yields, appropriate harvesting times and more.
This new solution achieves scientific modelling based on the growth level of crops and environmental conditions, without requiring a long-term accumulation of data.

figure: Overview of solutionsOverview of solutions

Case Study

In collaboration with international food manufacturing and processing companies, NEC is conducting tests with this solution to promote its commercialization. As a first step, the company has signed a cooperation agreement with Kagome Co., Ltd. to develop cultivation technology for processing tomatoes. Since March 2015, the two companies have conducted tests utilizing this solution at a farm in Portugal belonging to a Kagome subsidiary. Results to date include the following:

  1. Visualization of the water saturation and nitrogen stress levels of specific sections of cultivated land and analysis of the causes of yield differences between plots
  2. Development of optimized cultivation methods
  3. Prediction of the appropriate time for harvesting and maximizing yield as much as one month prior to harvesting

Tests conducted in tomato fields in Portugal

NEC's Agri-Tech Solution achieves higher harvest with less input of fertilizers and water. [2:15]


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